Love is the missing factor; there is a lack of affection, of warmth in relationship; and because we lack that love, that tenderness, that generosity, that mercy in relationship, we escape into mass action, which produces further confusion, further misery.

To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature.

The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior.

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

It's true that nothing in this world makes us so necessary to others as the affection we have for them.

I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.