Marriage is a school itself. Also, having children. Becoming a father changed my whole life. It taught me as if by revelation.

“Marriage is wonderful but I'm not desperate. I'm not itching for it. It's something that - hopefully, at one time in my life, I'll be able to do.”

Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway.

Friendship is the marriage of the soul, and this marriage is liable to divorce.

As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent.

By all means, marry. if you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.

Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to hold him. After marriage, she has to hold him to make love to him.

Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution.

Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution.

Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.

For some of us, watching a miniseries that lasts longer than most marriages is not easy.

Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery.

Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery.

There was a time when the one singular thing that held a marriage together was the threat of getting the kids.

Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge.

Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: The wife is in charge.