I am proud to be an american. Because an american can eat anything on the face of this earth as long as he has two pieces of bread.

Any man today who returns from work, sinks into a chair, and calls for his pipe is a man with an appetite for danger.

These people marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.

We're the geniuses of the house because only a person intelligent as we could fake such stupidity.

Civilization had too many rules for me, so i did my best to rewrite them.

Advertising is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted.

The past is a ghost, the future a dream, and all we ever have is now.

There is hope for the future because god has a sense of humor and we are funny to god.

Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries.

The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.

Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice.

Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them.

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope

having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.

My eleven year old daughter mopes around the house all day waiting for her breasts to grow.

Children today know more about sex than I or my father did.

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.

The main goal of the future is to stop violence. the world is addicted to it.

I am certainly not an authority on love because there are no authorities on love, just those who've had luck with it and those who haven't.

That married couples can live together day after day is a miracle that the vatican has overlooked.

At the very least marriage is a miscarriage of expectation, at its worst a wrenching disappointment with destiny.

You just never know when and where to bite, blow, kiss, pat or rub. women should come with directions.

Camille and I do have many things in common besides our both being afraid of the children.

The experts on marriage, most of whom are divorced, like to say that marital fighting is good because it clears the air.

Through all the years of my marriage, my love for camille, like my stomach, has steadily grown.

In spite of what thomas jefferson wrote, all men may be created equal, but not to all women.

Any husband who says, "my wife and i are completely equal partners" is talking either about a law firm or a hand of bridge.