The game of history is usually played by the best and the worst over the heads of the majority in the middle.

We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents.

The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil lurking in every person.

To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are.

Man was nature's mistake she neglected to finish him and she has never ceased paying for her mistake.

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.

Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing.

Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something.

The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.

When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.

People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.

We feel free when we escape - even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire.

It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor.

In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

The only way to predict the future is to have power to shape the future.

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.